A Book Lover’s Distress

I was in a dilemma about how to make time for reading. All of us, book lovers, face this terrorizing agony. It hurts us to the core. We don’t have enough time for all the stuff we would like to sit down with for hours at end.

I pondered upon it for quite some time and found an alternative. I would say that there’s no alternative path but still hear me out. This activity involves listening. Yes, I’m talking about audiobooks.

A few years ago, I had my first audiobook experience. I hated it. I found it boring. I couldn’t go beyond half an hour.

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After a while, I gave it another try and found it convenient. I could get to know things even when I was walking, gyming, doing household chores. I got hooked. I substituted music for books most of the time. This is how I heaved a huge sigh of relief. A much-needed one.

Now, I’m listening to books which I probably would never have read. It’s a kind of revelation for me. The distress seems to have lost his way and is no more with me.

R.I.P. Distress!

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