The yarn dresser


“Did you ever had a conversation with Seth?” I asked.

“Your uncle Seth, Sir. Yes,” George said.

“Of course. If you have ever noticed, the way he negates what I say is very irritating. I say something, he says no. When I explain it to him, he says okay and starts laughing. What is this behavior which makes him behave so brazenly? It is so stupid of him. If you don’t know something, then just admit it. Why show otherwise? What are you ashamed of? Even Mr. U.K. doesn’t know or understand everything that mankind has discovered till now. I understand that our brain has tremendous potential but there are limitations, mostly manmade.”

“I second you, Sir. You are right on the money. People get conscious about the weaknesses they consider in themselves. And they try to beat it with a whip. But they end up beating themselves.”

“George, you truly know how to mold sentences at your will. I love the way you express yourself. I hope more people would do that someday.”

“Sir, you think too highly of me. I appreciate that.”

“Furthermore, Seth was always late and he didn’t find it an issue. What about the most important resource in my life? You have no respect for it. You always end up wasting my time. What did your parents teach you? Nothing?”

“I better leave now,” George murmured.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, Sir. You better rest now. I will come back later.”

“I don’t want to rest anymore. Enough is enough. I need some sport.”

“Not now, Sir. Tomorrow morning, we will play cricket. I will call your friends.”

“Oh! I sometimes forget when to stop pretending. The world is a pretense. The politicians pretend and so do the rest of the citizens. They pretend that everything is okay when they commit an act. If others do the same, then they are not okay. The okay battle keeps on raging, varying in degrees from person to person. Am I right, George?…George? La merde!”

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